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Mint Mobile USA 4G LTE APN Settings 2022

Mint Mobile free internet

Can’t connect to the internet from your Android or iOS mobile? So, it is very likely that you do not have correctly configured the data of the Access Point Name of the Mint Mobile USA company on your cell phone. In APN Internet you will learn how to configure the APN Mint Mobile USA 4G or 5G, on Android and iOS phones, through this complete step-by-step guide, in a very easy and fast way.

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How to Configure the APN Mint Mobile USA Step by Step

In general, the configuration of the Mint Mobile APN in any mobile device is usually configured by itself when inserting the SIM or CHIP to the mobile device. But, in some occasions this does not usually happen and therefore we must configure the APN of the smartphone ourselves. As previously mentioned, this will be what allows us to enjoy mobile Internet service quickly and safely.

The steps to follow for each of the devices are really easy and quick. That is why we are going to teach you how to configure your Mint Mobile APN with the following steps depending on the operating system of your mobile device.

Mint Mobile 4G LTE APN Settings for Android

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To connect to the Mint Mobile USA internet network from any model of android smartphone or tablet and browse the network, you must follow the steps below that we show you.

Step 1: To start, you must enter «Settings» in the menu of your Android device.

Step 2: Now you are going to enter the «More» option within the «Wireless and Network Connections» menu.

Step 3: On the new screen enter the option «Mobile networks».

Step 4: Within the «Mobile networks» option, select «Access point names«.

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Step 5: After selecting the option, you will possibly find all the APN profiles that are configured for your device. If even so, your cell phone does not connect to the Mint Mobile Internet network. You must add a new APN, selecting on the screen the «+» button of «Add new APN«, which is usually located in the top menu of your Smartphone.

Step 6: Now on the new screen, you will find a list of options with empty or undefined fields that you must complete one by one, with the official data of the Mint Mobile USA internet APN that we show you below.

  • Name: Internet
  • APN: wholesale
  • Proxy: Undefined or empty
  • Port: Undefined or empty
  • Username: Undefined or empty
  • Password: Undefined or empty
  • Server: Undefined or empty
  • MMSC: Undefined or empty
  • MMS proxy: Undefined or empty
  • MMS port: Undefined or empty
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 260
  • Authentication type: PAP
  • APN Type: default
  • APN protocol: IPv4 / IPv6
  • APN roaming protocol: IPv4 / IPv6

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Step 7: Once the empty fields have been filled in and filled in with the aforementioned data, you only have to press the button with the three dots (located in the upper right part of the screen) and select the «Save» option.

Once you have completed this process, finally activate the mobile data of your device, for this continue reading the following instructions.

Step 8: Enter “Settings” again (see Step 1)

Step 9: Enter «Data usage» or its similar «Connections», within the «Wireless and Network Connections» menu.

Step 10: Next on the «Data usage» screen, you must activate the option to enable «Mobile data traffic«.

Immediately after activating mobile data traffic on Android, you will notice that one of the following symbols for connection to the 3G Mint Mobile network will appear on the mobile signal level symbol ?: H or H +, or on the 4G Mint Mobile network (if these within the 4G coverage area): LTE or 4G.

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In this way, you will have successfully completed the configuration of the APN 4G / 5G Mint Mobile USA and enjoy your internet access on Android.

Mint Mobile 4G LTE APN Settings for iOS

If you have an iPhone iOS device and cannot access the internet, here we will explain what are the steps you have to follow to carry out this process correctly and very easily.

Then follow the step by step to configure the Mint Mobile APN USA for your iPhone.

Step 1: The first thing you have to do is enter «Settings» on your iPhone device.

Step 2: Now you have to enter the option «Mobile data«.

Step 3: Once inside this menu you will select the option «Mobile data network«.

Step 4: And now a menu appears with many options of empty fields, which you will complete one by one with the correct data from the APN Mint Mobile USA that I will provide below.

  • Access point: Wholesale
  • Username: Undefined or empty
  • Password: Undefined or empty

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Step 5: Correctly save the APN data so you can enjoy your 3G or 4G Mint Mobile connection.

When you have correctly configured all the APN data and have saved it, you only have to validate that this process has worked, for this you must activate the mobile services of your iOS / Iphone device, continuing the following instructions.

Step 6: To verify this configuration process, you have to enter the «Settings» of the phone and disconnect the wireless network «Wi-Fi», in case you are connected.

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After having completed this series of steps you will be able to start enjoying your Internet connections Mint Mobile 4G and 5G on your Iphone device.

If you have any questions, let us know in the comments, we will read and reply to you as soon as possible, I also assure that it will be of great help to more members of the community. Thank you! ?